Our latest news - conferences, grants, publications, new members, events, etc.
March/25 - Postdoc position in Oslo to work on reference genomes and comparative genomics March/25 - Grant application to the Swedish Research Council sent in - fingers crossed. February/25 - Wanyi Wei began her PhD in Oslo on the Galápagos Daisy project! Welcome. January/25 - New paper out - k-mer approaches for biodiversity genomics January/25 - We have two PhD students advertised one on Evolutionary genomics, Biogeography, genome evolution of Diplotaxis (Brassicaceae) in Cabo Verde, and Evolutionary genomics (with a focus on hybridization on Indo-Pacific birds) January/25 - José officially started as a group leader in the Swedish Museum of Natural Science.
December/24 - Wanyi Wei will be joining the IslandParadox project as a PhD student in Oslo
October/24 - Frasella won the best talk award by a MSc student at the student conference for the section of ecology and evolution!
October/24 - New preprint out on transposable elements and Scalesia where we test whether TEs are associated with hybridization (genomic shock hypothesis) or climatic niches
September/24 - We are advertising a PhD position. See here
June/24 - José was awarded a Young Researcher Grant from the Norwegian Research Council (8,000,000 NOK) - we will be hiring soon!)
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